Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bright Not Broken: Twice Exceptional Kids

This was the most facinating interview by The Coffee Klatch Blog Talk Radio with the Co-Authors of the book "Bright Not Broken: Twice Exceptional Kids." If you have children with multiple diagnosis, I highly recomend listening to this interview and reading this book which addresses the topic of looking beyond individual diagnosis—and considering the 'whole child.'

I couldn't help feeling, the entire time I listened to this interview with co-authors (and fellow moms), Diane M. Kennedy and Rebecca S. Banks, that they were describing my children! They have really identified the source of my greatest consternation as a parent of multiple high functioning kids on the spectrum who possess myriad other diagnostic 'labels.' 

I've always had such a hard time wrapping my head around each new diagnosis and have often found myself laying awake at night wondering how these things are interconected. What causes what? For one of my kids it appears that his learning disabilities mask his true abilities while my other son is able to efficiently mask his disabilities by using his gifted abilities. So where do you start and what do you treat? The Spectrum disorder, the ADHD, Anxiety, Sensory Processing...? It becomes quite the conundrum.

What really hit home with me was the phrase "Twice Exceptional." It is the most important reminder that beyond the 'exceptional' diagnosis are exceptionally' gifted children—each shining in their own ways. I think, as parents, we often spend so much time worrying and focusing on the challenges that we sometimes forget to notice the rest of our children.

I love watching my children shine!

Thank you for writing this book. It was so needed...

Bright Not Broken - Twice Exceptional Kids 05/30 by The Coffee Klatch | Blog Talk Radio