Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Beginning of a new journey...

I have never done this before, so this is—yet another—new endeavor for me. As if I don't already have enough going on in my life...

Who am I?

Well, I am a Mom. I have three gorgeous, young and energetic children—7, 6 & 2—who amaze me every day. Two of my children are "on the spectrum." They have their 'stuff, 'as I like to call it, and you could say that their 'stuff' makes our lives a bit more challenging than the average household (whatever that is).

I am a Wife, Daughter, Sister and Aunt. My husband is a Chef, and while we benefit from the fact that he is a VERY good chef, the lifestyle is not as glamorous as it may sound given the lovely hours... However, it's not all bad: We DO get to buy food at wholesale (if you need 25 pounds of King Crab Legs and 200 onions come on over), rarely have to make a reservation at the best restaurants, get a lot of free food and the best seatings at our favorite restaurants. Despite the cons, I love him so it makes it all worthwhile.

I am an activist: Active in our local community as an advocate for Parents of children with developmental differences; active in promoting the idea and practice of buying and supporting LOCAL businesses so that our community continues to thrive; active in educating and promoting GREEN initiatives and lifestyle choices; active locally and nationally to promote tolerance and stomp out hate, bigotry and anti-semitism wherever it rears its ugly head... I am passionate and live passionately. I try, every day, to do something in my own tiny way that will make the world a little better place for my kids and for others.

I am a local, Small Business Owner. I opened Bellybum Boutique 2 years ago—after 20+ years in Marketing and Graphic Desig. I opened my store primarily as a resource, support and education center to help other women coping with the pre and postnatal effects of pregnancy on their bodies (as the trials of each of my journeys have been both profound and permanent) as well as to help parents navigate the journey of parenthood. My goal has always been to provide a place with a spirit of inclusion. A place where parents, friends and family can come to learn about healthy parenting and lifestyle choices and be empowered to make the choices that are right for them and their families. In other words, a place of support and not of judgment. Parenting is daunting enough without having to be 'judged' for the decisions you do or don't make.

Ok, so enough get the picture.

I'm starting this blog to help explain, educate, discuss, support, chat about any and all of these things or anything else that comes to mind. I hope it won't bore you and I really hope that you may find some of what I have to say useful somehow.

So, Hello.


  1. Hello! Congratulations!

    I must say I am not a big fan of tolerance. No one wants to be merely tolerated. Welcomed, invited, celebrated, loved. Not tolerated. Imagine a family reunion where no one moves beyond cocktail chatter. How sad. Community is family. May you lead yours to engage itself in many meaningful journeys. Together.


  2. Well said Trenton! I must agree! As a big fan of saying "exactly" what I mean; mere "tolerance," in hindsight, is not good enough and, when examined, not a particularly terrific idea at its core (though sadly, it is the only thing some are capable of—-which is better than "intolerance" I suppose). Considering all of this, I would have to retract that word in lieu of one of your more thoughtful ones, and suggest the addition of "understanding," "education," and the idea of "embracing the inherent beauty of our differences" to the list.

    Be well my old friend (and in saying "old" I mean "old"...just kidding...though time sure has flown).


  3. I'm proud of you - what a wonderful first entry!

    love, that sister you mentioned

  4. Welcome to the world of blogging. I look forward to reading more.

